Friday, March 23, 2012


So Tim Tebow is officially going to be a New York Jet as of March 24th at 4 p.m. I was honestly surprised by this outcome since I fully expected he would land in Miami, Florida to be a Dolphin. I'll be honest, after a couple of hours of thinking about it...I realized this is the best fit for Tebow and for his career a well as for Rex Ryan's future. He is going to be put in as a back-up to the 3 year starter, Mark Sanchez. Mark Sanchez is arguably one of the most over-rated players in the NFL and has been babied ever since he was given the starting position. I realize calling Mark Sanchez over rated is humorous for me to say despite the debate surrounding Tebow but that's not the point. Mark Sanchez is officially now set up to either:
A. Step-up in his role as a leader and perform to the level his contract shows he should be doing. Or
B. For Tebowmania, or what some people are now calling Timsanity, to take hold of the Big Apple and become the Jets new starting QB.

In the end, I believe the pressure will crush Mark Sanchez and he will be riding the bench as he watches a winner take the helm of the franchise and lead them on a magical run as he once did in Denver. Another thing I absolutely love about this outcome is the chemistry that will develop between Tim Tebow and Rex Ryan. Although they are two completely different people Rex Ryan was a victim of Tebowmania and knows exactly what Tim is capable of. Rex Ryan is also the type of guy that doesn't care how Tebow is playing the QB position so long as they are winning, which will give Tebow that security to know he isn't constantly battling for his life to keep his starting spot, which will give him more comfort in the position. To me, this is a match made in heaven and provides Tebow with the largest stage in the U.S. to continue on his journey of saving souls. Once he becomes a starter (which I predict will be mid-season going into their 9th game) the morale in the locker room will slowly, but surely change. I don't believe the Jets will be holding Bible studies or going on mission trips but they will have the magic and belief the Broncos once had last season, but there will be more of it.

Tebow now has the backing of a REAL top 5 defense and with a more talented and experienced receiving corp. By the end of the Jets 2012 regular season, Tebow will have a record between 6-2, 5-2, or even 5-3 (depending on when he is started), leading them to a win in the wildcard round at the Denver Broncos but will fall short in the Divisonal round to the Baltimore Ravens. Depending on when Rex Ryan is ready to change the tradition of the New York Jets and out of the shadows of the New York Football Giants and start Tebow is when their playoff run will start. The difference is, Tebow will  develop as a passer and I believe he will complete over 50% of his passes. Does that make him an elite QB? No. But it makes him more consistent and what people underestimate and forget is that Tim Tebow has made a living out of proving people wrong and works harder than 99% of the players in the NFL. He will become a consistent passer and in his second year with the Jets will be completing 59% of his passes. Book it.

Despite all of this, I will still be rooting hard for my Denver Broncos as they now have secured a playoff spot for the next 3-4 seasons, so long as Peyton Manning is healthy. Although, if Manning falls to injury, and the Broncos hit a losing streak, I will be slightly satisfied as I watch John Elway fall to his knees knowing the mistake he made and hopefully see an over-rated John Fox lose his job. In the way they handled and treated Tebow, despite my love for the player, would have been wrong no matter who it was. Their actions went against every word they had both said regarding their belief in Tim Tebow and if they never believed in him, they never should have given him the impression otherwise. As this drama slows down and Tebow signs with the Jets, I will start writing about other sports stories rather than just Tim Tebow. What I do know is, with Linsanity and Timsanity in the same state, that makes my love for New York grow by more levels than ever imagined.

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